Friday, May 15, 2015

Lessons Learned...

I can't write much because I have to be at school at 8am in the morning to substitute teach a 3rd grade class. Never have I valued Fridays the way I do now as a sub. I enjoy it, but it is a job. Kids love it when their regular teacher isn't around. I've been saying that if I get my teaching degree, I wanted to teach grade levels k-5. When I was coming up, it would have been k-7, but after my county came out of the dark ages and switched to the middle school system, it became k-5, with grades 6-8 at the middle school, and 9-12 at the high school. I learned a valuable lesson yesterday: I do not want to teach 5th graders. I had a class yesterday that was very disrespectful. When they were leaving the classroom for the day, all I could do was shake my head. Yeah, SMH.
I guess anyone planning to go into the teaching field has a preference. My cousin teaches middle-school math. She said that the little kids are too needy for her. I personally like having to tie the occasional shoe, receiving random hugs,  those squeaky little voices, and the Elmer Fudd r's in their words when they talk. I will pass on kids tall as I am who think they're grown because they are on their way to middle school, and preteen girls who look at you like they're going to take a razor blade out of their hair and cut you...EFF THAT.
 I grew up in the 80's for Pete's sake! I really thought that my generation was pretty rough, but I don't remember any of the flagrant disrespect that I received yesterday. I like to get along with the kids, not be their home girl, but I don't want them to feel like I'm against them. These Jokers had me barking like a drill sergeant. I was D-R-A-I-N-E-D when I left school yesterday, and still had 4 hours to slog through at the Retailtopia. Factor in what I suspect hope and pray is a pulled muscle in my back* from lifting cases of mini blinds at the 'Topia last week, and you'll have my reason for making myself unavailable on Subfinder today. I wasn't scheduled to work at the store either, so it was a me day with nary a thing getting done. I took mom to the KFC for dinner, and that was IT.

So, if one bad class--actually this was my second bad class, I made the mistake of trying high school a couple of weeks ago--put me under, what will I do as a real teacher? Damn good question, if I must say so myself. I'm going to chalk yesterday's bad behavior up to the kids being excited about having a sub, and thus, a break in routine during sol testing week. I really don't remember my elementary school classmates acting like that. However, I'm not going to be like the generations before me who act like they were ALWAYS respectful to their elders. We weren't. I came of age in the 80's. THE EIGHTIES. 'Nuff said.

*I'll have to post later about the mysterious back pain that didn't start until after I was lifting all of those heavy cases of mini blinds. The hypochondriac (and 15-year smoker in me) keeps whispering lung cancer, but I ain't claiming that.