Friday, August 9, 2013

That's All?!

So...a Facebook friend that I chat with regularly hurt his back. I was going to inbox him a pic of a sexy maid and tell him that he needed one to wait on him until he could get around better. Off I go to Google Images to find a Black model in a sexy French maid getup. I'm Black, so I figured an accurate representation would be best since I was referring to ME anyways. Welp, I found a whole lotta dis:

ONE a dese:

Anddddd right much a dis:

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not trying to knock my people's  history of servitude in this country. Shoot, my Mommy was a maid in the 60's. As a result, she refuses to watch "The Help." Her words: "Why would I want to see that?! I lived it!" I guess I am just a little surprised/disappointed that I couldn't find a sexy Black maid for my friend during a flirty facetious moment. Hell, the media sexualizes everything ELSE. Why not get the Black maid out of the kitchen and into the boudoir to snap dem sheets? I am grateful, however for the friendly reminder/slap in the face regarding my history, so I won't squander any of the opportunities I am given. Wrecked my flirt game, though.

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