Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Black Julia Sugarbaker Rides Again or...I Know He Di'nt

In keeping with my doc's advice to try finding love online--um...facebook ain't working--I started an account on OkCupid. An acquaintance told me that's how she met her man. I should have asked how long it took. I guess I'm looking for "Instant romance: Just Add Water." (Don't worry about a water shortage due to my quest for "fastlove"; I will just use my tears...) Well, I have gotten a few messages, and lot's of compliments on my profile pic, although I am not feeling anyone yet. Then THIS happens (The words in the gray boxes are MINE, and I am quite proud of them):

 Too bad this was all online....I would have loved to say it the way Dixie Carter would have on "Designing Women." Like Julia Sugarbaker, Shellybird don't play.


THEN, this right here happened:

I wasn't expecting an apology. What a pleasant surprise. I really wasn't up for a back-and-forth anyway, but I could have held my own, OBVIOUSLY. Interestingly enough, our match rating has ratcheted up to a whopping 72%. The devil is a LIE. *sigh* The search continues...

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