Monday, February 8, 2016

Shellybird Shortpost: Let It Snow???

Ever since the weather finally broke--meaning that the warm tank-top holiday season we had gave way to bonafide winter--I've been checking the forecast for snow. (My last few sub adventures, including today's shenanigans make me want a snow day even more.)

The weatherman had been all over the place for the last week with his predictions. At first we were supposed to get a half-inch to 2 inches by tomorrow. It's 50° today though. Can temps like that foster any accumulating precip? I don't see how. During lunch at school today, the teachers and I were talking about what we'd been hearing. I looked at the Weather Channel app on my phone and saw rain drops for today and 1 huge snowflake on the Friday graphic.  Well cool, a 3 or 4 day weekend would work. I just looked again (after school) and it's gone.  No snow in the forecast at all, except for an ALLEGED snow/rain mix next Tuesday which will do me no good at all now. I don't want an ice storm, just 4 or 5 fluffy inches of the white stuff. Around here, that's all we need to close school. I know I said in a previous post that I was good on snow. I'm taking that back. Today. Am I the ONLY sub who needs snow days? Is there a substitute teacher support group? I need answers.


*The preceding YouTube video is not my property, but Lord knows we share the same sentiments.*

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