Thursday, May 19, 2016

Time Warp of Loooooooove

I'll try to make this quick because this is a school night and it's after midnight. I should be asleep, but the school year is almost over and like the real teachers, I've had it. The shitz I give are becoming fewer and further between.

That said, I'm actually looking forward to school tomorrow--or today rather, given the lateness of the hour. This is in spite of the fact that it's at the middle school. I seemed to have developed a crush on one of the teachers there, and I don't even know his name. I see him every time I sub though and he's always very nice. If I get turned around--which is a regular occurrence for me given my wack sense of direction--he gets me on the right track. I ran into him Sunday at the Wal-Mart where you see EVERY-D*MN-BODY when you live in a small town. He gave me a hug, we chatted a bit about school, and he asked if I was working next week, which is now this week. I told him I had a day coming up at the middle school although I couldn't remember which day off the top of my head. I told him to enjoy the rest of his weekend and he hugged me goodbye. I thought it was weird, but pleasant (and what ignited this little spark of feeling). I mean, is all that hugging a religious thing?  It WAS Sunday, but I'm Baptist and we don't do all of that. Maybe he's sweet on me. Who knows? After the mini-date though, I've begun to believe in the possibility of love again, and I'm kinda feelin' myself. Like, I AM a viable candidate for significant otherhood. I'm also feeling like I did when I was a teenager and the least little bit of eye contact or a touch had my head all aswim.

*Is "aswim a word? Eh, who gives a crap; I'll correct it later.*  So we'll see what happens. I might even Sadie Hawkins his butt. Like I said, the school year is almost over; we only have one week left. I may not get another assignment there before the cheese stops rolling. Strange how the potential for romance--or dinner at Appleby's that I don't have to pay for--took me from dreading going to the middle school to looking forward to it. 

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