Thursday, August 1, 2013

Shellybird: Unfit Blogger

If this blog were a baby, you'd have to call CPS on my azz because the baby has been neglected. To those of you who look forward to my posts,  I apologize for letting it fall by the way side. However I am back. This has been a busy summer for me, getting ready for my best friend's wedding in which I was a bridesmaid, trying to formulate a plan to move up North, and trying to keep, but subsequently losing, a man...yep, that d*mn Daniel...

Anyways, like I said, I am back and more committed than ever to keeping this blog up and running. Why? Because it's therapeutic for me and a good way to brush up on my writing, and hopefully someone out there will be entertained,  touched, or even educated by something I write. I follow a blog called "Awesomely Luvvie ". She also has a Facebook page which I "liked" and a Twitter (I don't tweet.) She issued a challenge to all bloggers: Post an entry each day this month. I accepted the challenge, and if you have something new to read here each day, you can thank Luvvie. BTW, here's the link and more details if any of you blog and have been half stepping like me: I am going to wrap this one up for now. I really do have lots to tell, so I will be talking to y'all soon--no, wait! TOMORROW.

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