Friday, July 3, 2015

Shellybird's Birthday Prayer

Today's my birthday. Thank-you Lord for letting me see another year of life. I'm the big 4-3 today...Overall I'm ok with that because every moment of life is a blessing. And much like Halle Berry, Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Aniston, and Naomi Campbell, I am wearing my 40's well.
 Please JESUS let me maintain this uncracked Black...

And while you're at it Lord, a husband and some babies (in that order) would be nice, before it's super duper too late. I don't cry easily anymore, but I was perusing the Facebook and I ran across this pic post about pregnancy cravings and I almost lost it. Please help me with that and my move to NYC. You're front and center for everything that goes on in the world, so I'm sure you've seen what a shambles my life has been during the past 11 months.  Please help me to fix it. Thanks in advance, and thanks again for #43. Amen.

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