Thursday, October 8, 2015

Eh...Quick Post

*This post was actually written during the early morning hours of October 7. I'd popped a ZzzQuil though, so I zonked out before I could hit "publish".* 

I haven't written in over a month, but it seems like my last post was just yesterday. Eh, anyho...I do remember griping about not being ready to return to school as a substitute teacher. WELL, I did it. I've been subbing steadily since the beginning of September. Some days are still a struggle, not because I don't want to go to school. It's just because I've been without a routine for so long. Lounging is freakin' fun, ok?! I don't get a paycheck for doing that though.

Oh, and in other developments, I've decided that if I can't be a New York-based supermodel, I'll be a teacher. I'd like to teach either elementary school and maybe be a reading specialist or teach 8th grade English. (I've subbed at the middle school a few times and it's not as bad as I thought it would be. High school still gets a no from me. I mean, just hell no.) I'm hoping to take the teacher licensing exam next month so I can get a provisional licence (and subsequently a full-time teaching job) until I get in all the course work needed to be a "real teacher". It's an involved process, and I really haven't even begun. I feel confident enough to say now that I really do want to teach. This isn't just something that I'm saying because it's what people want to hear. Now I just need to get the proverbial ball rolling.

Funny thing. One of my cousins that I grew up with is a "real teacher", and she's working her way up to administration. When we were kids, she was the golden child. She was an achiever, and everyone just knew "Tiffany"--the alias she gets in this blog--would be a success in life. I always looked up to her and did everything she did, or tried to. Even now, I do sometimes go to her for advice...about professional stuff anyway. Since I've been on a termination marathon lately, she's been sending me job leads. After the double dose of hell that I went through with the Retail Toilet and the Retailtopia I KNOW that I canNOT do retail again. I'd be a fool if I did. I know it's not for me, and the good Lord--moving in that mysterious way of His--rescued me twice. And he sends little signs when I'm in a store and I fall into a mini-trance watching the employees doing retail...stuff. It makes me want to crawl out of my own skin. I'm scarred, man. So WHY Tiffany send me a job opening for a managerial position at PayLess Shoes?! GIRL, BYE. (She's still my go to for teaching advice though.)

So there. In my own rambling way, I've played catch up. I don't normally write on a "school night", probably why I didn't post last month. I've found that writing is contagious though. In this Facebook group I'm in, this guy asked us to follow his girlfriend's blog. I scoped it out; it's actually right here on Blogger. I'll have to peruse it further when I have more time. The first post I saw was about natural hair care products though. I don't give a guinea about natural hair care talk. I have my reasons. But just looking at her blog with the cutesy background and equally cutesy font made me miss the little homely, nearsighted, flat-footed child that is The Shellybird's Nest. I just had to swing by and love on it a little bit. Now that I've done that, I guess I need to lay these lanky 5'10" inches down for some shut eye. It's after 1am and I have to sub today.

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