Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Sub Adventures 5: NOPE (A Shellybird Ventpost)

As Cartman used to say at the end of every episode of South Park, I've learned something today. (At least, I guess that was Cartman, and I guess it was every episode. I stopped watching that show after they went too hard in the paint with the Jesus jokes. The way my soul's salvation is set up, I have enough to answer for. Can't be all laughing at the Messiah.)

Here's the lesson: I am NOT a middle school teacher. I just CANNOT deal with those chaps and their attitudes. Give me sweet little ones who cry at the drop of a hat, count on their fingers, and need their shoes tied. Those big(ger) kids just aren't for me. The high school--with the REALLY big kids--doesn't even factor into my equation. I was at the middle school today and the air was so thick with "Screw this, I don't wanna be here, and I DON'T have to listen to a substitute," that I could have cut it with a knife. I would take into consideration the fact that spring break starts Friday IF this wasn't a regular occurence for me when I go to ye olde springboard to high school, but nah. I can count on ONE FINGER the number of times I've subbed at the middle school and my students have acted the way they were supposed to, so let's not blame the much maligned spring fever, cuz he ain't do nuffin'. It's a fundamental lack of respect for authority and elders.

I am not now, nor have I ever been perfect, but I knew how to act when I left the house. I didn't want to be that kid who showed her ass (a euphemism for showing off) in public or at school and give myself a "bad name". My mama and my grandma would have beat enough shades of black off of me to make me light skinneded as Vanessa Williams. Ok, I was being facetious with the Vanessa Williams part because they were by no means abusive, and in all honesty my spankings were few and far between.* I was raised to behave a certain way, and I adhered to it. I don't know HOW the younger generations are being raised these days, and I'm sure it's a sign of the apocalypse that a gen X-er even has to say that. Here's what I DO know: I'll be burned out before I even get my teacher's licence if I don't take the middle school off my list of preferred sites. (FYI: My transcripts are at the Department of Education even as we speak, so the wheels are in motion.) I don't get paid enough as a sub to put up with the behavior I'm confronted with at the middle school EVERY SINGLE TIME I go there. Teachers  certainly don't get paid enough to put up with it everyday. I say all of that to say, no middle school for the kid. Just NOPE.

*Even though I was spanked as a child and turned out friggin' AWESOME, I'm not a proponent of corporal punishment. Laying my hands on kids just isn't for me. SO DONT EVEN TRY TO SAY that this post is suggesting in any way that my "baddies" deserve beatings. That's not what I meant, and I'm not up for the bullshit.

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