Sunday, April 17, 2016

Shellybird (Kinda) Short Post:

Welp, I'm back, and as far as I know, ok. I got the CT scan of my liver and it came back normal, meaning nothing awful like cancer. My doc still wanted an ultrasound though just to be sure-sure. Apparently even in my advanced, middle-aged, need-to-be-shopping-for-cats years, I'm awful young to have a spot on my liver. I had that done Friday and I guess I'll hear something by Tuesday. I said in a previous post that God is still in the blessing business, and I know he hasn't taken his shingle in since then. So I'll just be over here waiting on my next blessing...and trying to quit smoking.

On a slightly lighter note, the doctor who did the CT scan of my liver looked--from what I could see of his face around the mask--and sounded like Ben Stein. He was a very sweet guy who walked slowly with a slight hump in his back. I'm a sucker for male doctors who have a kind and gentle manner and this one did *daddy issues*. As I was laying on the table waiting for him to shoot the dye into my IV (to illuminate my liver in all its spotty glory), I was also rambling on asking questions. I stay looking out for #1. I asked how my liver could be jacked up since I only drink 3 times a year. His bespectacled eyes looked over the mask at me sadly and he said, "Even three times a year is too much." (I told you this was only a slightly lighter note.) But I did amuse him with my lack of knowledge about the location of my liver. My high school guidance counselor wouldn't allow me to take human anatomy because I was shooting for the 22-credit diploma for college-bound students and I sucked at math and science already. She said there was no need for me to bring my gpa down any lower. THAT'S why I thought the liver was in the back near the kidneys. That's why I call the swirly, cartilagey part of the ear the "crispy-crisp". Don't judge me.

I need to hit the hay because I have school tomorrow. I have a lot going on, and I've been stressed. The tax deadline is tomorrow and I need to find a preparer to file an extension for me for free after school. I really need to do better and eventually, I will. Until then, I'm going to try not to worry because...GOD.

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