Saturday, July 16, 2016

Crappy Apps, Ipsy, and Other Such Minutiae....

*Damn it STRAIGHT to hell, this is my
THIRD ATTEMPT with this post. We can put a man in the moon and elect a Black president, but can't tweak a blog app that saves your content as you type?! Okay! THAT'S why it's no longer on my phone. It was free anyway so I guess I got EVERYTHING I paid for. I am so f*cking pissed right now, hence the salty language that I don't use ·too· often. Sorry/NOT sorry. I guess if the the 3rd time is a charm, this incarnation of my post will be f*cking spectacular. SMDH. I've got to get a laptop...
And I know some horrible, heartbreaking things have transpired over the last month. My blog has never been "topical" though, and I won't address those issues in this post. It's certainly not because I don't care. Right now I just feel the need to hide behind a fluffy cloud of minutiae where there's no danger of getting shot by cops or terrorists and Donald Trump isn't running for president.*

*sigh...again, with feeling* I've haven't posted since May! I guess summer break extends to blogging as well, for me anyway. In all honesty, I actually grounded myself from doing the writing I WANT to do until I completed the writing that I NEED to do. Let me just tell you right now that it ain't working. I'm my own hardheaded child. Smh. For what it's worth, I do occasionally slap something up on my Facebook companion page.

That said, guess who's an Ipsy subscriber? I am. Their ad kept popping up on my Facebook page singing the cyber siren song of quality makeup dirt cheap. I mean, 5 samples a month for $10, no shipping, in a cute makeup bag to boot??? TAKE MY MONEY (in increments of $10)!!!!!
My July Glam Bag...

Ever since my mom "turned me loose" in my teen years and allowed me to wear makeup, I've been all about some lipstick/gloss, the darker the better. It's my THING; I never leave home without it. That's why I subscribed to Ipsy. I'm really feeling these  hyper-pigmented "lippies" that are all the rage (although I can do without the matte finishes; I like a shiny lip). How many lip products have I received since I've been a subscriber? Not a DANG one. And this is in spite of the fact that I have done and REDONE my subscriber profile. In my 3 months of subscriberhood, I've received 3 eyeliners--a product I NEVER use, 2 bronzers that won't show up on my bronze skin, 3 makeup brushes that I can learn learn to like, and some creepy one-piece face masks that will make me look like either Leather Face from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre...or a klansman.


I never asked for ANY of that shyte. I've also received some eyeshadows which I can work with, but I didn't request those either. My favorite product to date is a sample size of a perfume called Remarkable People, the receipt of which got my hopes up, but I only received perfume once. It smells DIVINE though. I'd never heard of it before so I googled. A full-size bottle would run y'all $140, and I said "y'all" because I don't have that kind of money, sooooo *WINNING*.

Now Ipsy does offer a disclaimer stating that they don't guarantee that subscribers would receive the exact products/brands that they requested, but...NEVER? We are paying for this stuff, you know. In one of my Ipsy emailings, they informed me that I could increase my chances of getting my preferred products by doing reviews (the portal to which is in the Glam Bag preview email). I shouldn't have to "review" products that I never use and thus didn't ask for just to get some lipstick that I told them I wanted from the jump.  I guess I'll try it before cancelling my subscription to see if it actually changes anything. But I'm certainly not doing any unboxing/review vids, if that's also what they meant. I just feel like makeup tutorials, unboxing vids, and product review vids (which are all over YouTube and enjoyable enough until they become annoying) are for young people. I am 44. I have yet to see one of those vids by someone who doesn't look like they're young enough to be my kid. (Middle-aged women might be doing them, but I haven't seen it.) I just want some friggin' lip product!!! I SWEAR sometimes I think I ask too much of LIFE.

I've voiced my complaints on social media in the most non-bitchy way possible--and that took extreme effort. I scoured the nets to see if other women had the same concerns. I finally stumbled upon an Ipsy swapsie group, and the makeup angels sang...But not for long. The premise of the group is to swap your unwanted products with someone else who has something you do want.  I was so looking forward to the chubby lippies rolling in as I rolled the eyeliner and bronzer out. I guess the group is fairly new because the other night the page admin/creator asked us members if we had any ideas for group rules. Seems like she would have already set that up 10 Commandments style since, you know... TOTAL STRANGERS WILL BE SWAPPING COSMETICS, but nah. The only response came from this one forward-thinking chick who posted, "No swapping cosmetics that have already been opened." The admin didn't respond, and no other rules were suggested, no rules posted. Oh, but yesterday, the admin posted a pic of a tube of cupcake frosting-pink lip gloss (gloss all smeared on the tube) with the caption, "New, only swatched." Um, honey, I don't think "new" means what you think it means in this instance.

Not the actual pic from the group, but you get the idea.


I have funny ways. That's not gonna work. I've revisited the post several times and no one voiced any objection. As a matter of fact, one chick expressed interest in swapping. Now I'm not trying to be shitty, but ew. Just ew. So, until some ground rules are established in that group to keep us swappers herpes-, conjunctivitis-, and cat hair-free (hey, I don't know these people), I'm just gonna lay low unless someone wants to swap some perfume. I have a beautiful millennial cousin who probably knows how to do that cat's eye trick with eyeliner and would appreciate some free stuff.

*UPDATE* I checked the group again today and the rules are slowly creeping in. One member also suggested only swapping new unopened items, but said it was ok if they'd been swatched. Lordt. 

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