Thursday, March 7, 2013

Shellybird Starts Blogging

Oh, hello there. My name is Shellybird. Well, not my government name, but it's the name I will use for this blog. The totally unoriginal idea to blog came to me over a year ago. I finally bought a tablet--which I ADORE, by the way--and I decided the time has come. People blog for many different reasons, and there are many different types of blogs. I researched this, and when I got to the part about things you shouldn't blog about, I got cold feet. I'm no expert on ANYTHING except my life, and I have made a gracious plenty of F-ups where that's concerned. I know that most people don't want to read about the trials and tribuations of a single woman who's age is "the new 30", who wants (my version of) a fabulous life that includes a husband and children. The way I see it, blogging is like making music. There are going to be people who will hate your song; I mean DESPISE it. As soon as they hear the first few notes of it on the radio, they change the station. On the flip side, there will be people who love your song so much, it's constantly on repeat, and they've made it their ringtone. With that in mind, my feet have warmed up again. I am me, and that's all I'll ever be. I will simply blog about anything that comes to mind, anything that gets my wheels a turnin'. I would like to be a writer. This blog will be a way to help me work on my writing skills. Oh, and to all you "grammar crusaders" out there, I know my punctuation may be off at times. No need for critiques. I have an English grammar text book that I bought at a used bookstore last summer. As soon as I find it--don't ask--I'll have it by my side for each and every post. Most of all, this blog is a diary...a diary that total strangers may read, if they Google a word or phrase that happens to be in one of my posts and feel led to see their Googling through to page 90 of the search results. Hey, it happens. Well, that's all for now. Your Shellybird is hungry. Gonna find a worm and then tuck my head under my wing and get some sleep...after I Google myself.

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