Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Sub Adventures 6 The Last Days: A Rambling Account About the End of the School Year

Today is the next to the next to last day of school. Where am I? The middle school AGAIN, but no complaints here. In reference to my last post, I finally saw the Hugging Teacher again--no hugs today, just a wave in passing *womp womp*. I also saw his wedding ring, or a ring on the ring finger of his left hand. We need legislation on this thing: If you're married, always wear your matrimonial hardware to lessen confusion. When I got my hugs, I didn't spot a ring. I found out from another teacher that he's a minister, so maybe those were just good ol' Christian hugs. In the future, I'll just accept my Christian hugs from Jesus when I walk into the Light after dying in my sleep at the age of 100, thank-you very much. Right now I'm 43, single, and easy to get ideas. Moving on...

Since I've been subbing, my mind has been set adrift on memory bliss, if you will. No matter what grade I teach, I spend so much time trying to remember myself at that particular age, and I LOVED school. The learning atmosphere, the awesome teachers, that papery-gluey smell when I entered the building...I had my ups and downs but when used for its intended purpose, school was AWESOME.

When I got to the job site--such a technical term for...school--everyone I saw was dressed up. Teacher attire is but one of the glaring differences between school now and the 70's/80's version I experienced. My female teachers always wore skirts, dresses, blouses, and slacks. The male teachers were never without a tie. Now it's khakis, polo shirts, LEGGINGS/JEGGINGS, sneakers, and flip flops, pedi or not (*side-eye*). I actually patterned my style of dress (for subbing) after my teachers, and you won't catch me slipping. My supervisors may look back on my job performance and say, "She couldn't maintain control of her classroom," but they'll never bust me for inappropriate attire. Casual Friday is my exception at the schools that participate because my ass loves denim, literally.

So yeah, anyway, folks were looking casket-ready today. Those mannish, smart mouth boys that I was always threatening to write up looked like distinguished gentlemen. Those snippy, attitudinal girls looked like ladies. Why? Today was 8th grade promotion day. (NOT graduation, but PROMOTION, as the teachers were quick to clarify. Didn't stop parents from buying up all the graduation balloons at the Wal-Mart, doe.) The wistfulness and nostalgia was palpable when I walked in. It almost made me long for those days, now 30 years gone. The only promotion ceremony we had was running out of the building on the last day of 9th grade like Brad Davis at the end of Midnight Express though. HA!

I could tell the "seniors" were taking it in for one last time before it was all over. My heart went out to them, but onward and upward, little chirren! The best is yet to come (if you get your butts in gear)!

Aaaaand, some of them WON'T. You can't save them all, and some seemingly don't even want to be saved, but we will keep trying. For instance, that little devil-boy that was in my 6th block class this afternoon. So much mouth, UGH! He even left a hate note on the white board for his teacher. Why his mama didn't take him home after the ceremony is beyond me. Even his partner in crime was like, "Dude can't you EVER be nice???" I hope they warned the high school about him though. Lord knows I tried to warn him about the high school, but you know...deaf ears...

I washed the board so his teacher wouldn't see that.

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