Thursday, February 4, 2016

Snow Daze

Welp, another month of Sundays has passed since my last post. What can I even say? Some of my favorite bloggers have been m.i.a. as well, so...I guess we're just writers who don't write everyday?

I'm still enjoying the sub gig. It's the only one I have left since November, when I was informed VIA TEXT that my services at the radio station were no longer needed. It's a side-eyeable situation, but not worth fighting considering how little they paid me anyway. Somehow, I managed to go from 3 jobs to 1 in about a year, but some people don't even have one so I shan't complain.

You know what's great about working for the school system--OTHER THAN making a difference? Time off! Thanksgiving break (including Black Friday), Christmas break, spring break, summer break...Simply AWESOME! What tops that is the weather-related closings. Heavy rains with tremendous flood potential, snow, sleet, or freezing rain could mean that the buses don't which case, neither do I. That will change once I become a full-nowdged educator. When there are school closings because of bad weather, teachers and other staff may have to go in if it's not too crazy. (They have employee codes A, B, and C to let them know what to do.) Until I get my teacher's licence though, its the lush life for me! I know it sounds like I'm in the education biz for the breaks, but that is not true. It's a definite perk after 15 years in retail though. I DO NOT MISS cornball managers who try to penalize you for missing work because the roads are icy. I DO NOT MISS deliberating on whether or not I can make it in to work and what might happen if I have to miss. I DO NOT MISS foolishly trying to get to work on ice and snow, sliding all over the roads like I want to be paralyzed from the neck down, like funerals are free, like my mama's heart wouldn't be broken in two. SCREW THAT. SCREW ALL OF THAT. Seriously.

Just a couple of weeks ago, we got almost a foot of snow here, #Blizzard2016. I subbed the Wednesday before it hit and school was closed from Thursday until the following Wednesday. I live in a small town in VA. A New Jersey friend of mine scoffed at my video of the falling snow, saying that we were getting "10 flakes and hour". I swear, yankees are like that old relative who brags to the younger generations about walking to school "10 miles uphill" in snow. Like, could you SHUT UP and let us have this, please? Thanks!

Temps are in the 60's during the day right now, and we've been getting rain. The only snow that's left here are those big, dirty mounds in the parking lots.  Yet I am STILL thanking God that the power didn't go out. Talk about so many blessings you don't have room to receive...but I made room, honey! You can believe that! I had snacks and reading materials a plenty. I was so content and relaxed until Monday when that cabin fever set in and I was ready to hit the ROAD. If I regret anything about that time, it's the fact that I didn't read much or write anything, although that was my plan. 

Unused reading and writing materials

I spent my my time on my phone--my tablet isn't working atm--on social media. For the most part, the only thing social media does for me anymore is allow me to justify my crown as the Queen of Judgey Haters...There's just so much material, no? 

To be honest though, I am good on snow and snow days for right now because they mess with my money. Next time there's a significant snow event, I hope I use my time wisely. Maybe I'll write something worth being bought and published to make up for the cheddar I lose sitting at home.

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