Monday, November 2, 2015

Twenty-five Years Later....

Well, life is chugging along for me. What else can I say, really? I'm still subbing, and I have ups and downs with that. Some days I leave school on top of the world because the experience was so awesome. Then there are other days when all I can think is, "I really f*cked that up,"...Smh. I suppose that's life.

Anywhore, one day during bus duty, one of the teachers (and my high school classmate) asked me if I was going to the 25th reunion. In my head, I'm all like, "Wayyyyyment. There's a class reunion afoot and I didn't know?!"

Let me give you a little backstory--which will actually be a lot of backstory because I'm wordy: I LIVE for a class reunion. Why? Because even though
*I never became the supermodel I'd always dreamed of being
*I don't have 1,000 pics of my husband and kids (who would be cute like they mama) on my phone
*I'll show up for this reunion just like I did the other two reunions AND both proms--DATELESS 
I have an ace in the hole: I'm still skinny! Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm being superficial, but I really don't care. I was a stick in high school and the butt of many jokes because of that. My default curves--thanks to middle age spread--will serve me well when the class of 1990 converges on the country club later this month. The attire is casual, and THIS is what I'm wearing (minus those death-defying shoes):

I follow this "fashion" page in facebook. Several outfits are posted each day, using designer pieces. We peasants are left to our own devices to find cheap versions in our cheap stores to somehow duplicate the looks. (Of course, if you can afford the designer stuff, I ain't mad at ya. Go head on, money grip!) My little NYC shopping spree in August enabled me to duplicate the above look. I bought jeans just like those and a gold sequined blazer like that (but with 3 quarter length sleeves). I'll replace the plain white tank top with a Marilyn Monroe tank that I also purchased in the Big Apple, but I think you see where I'm going with this: straight to Cutetown, baby!!!! 

The funny thing is, my shopping in NYC was random. Actually, that's how I always shop. I buy stuff--on clearance, if possible--that I like and set it aside because I know some sort of event will come up that I can wear this stuff to. Rarely do I have to go on a last-minute shopping spree for most church functions, sorority events, or a girls' night out because I usually have something banked up from one of my "clearance crawls".  You'll notice that I didn't mention dates among the times when I can dip into my cache of cute clothes. That wasn't an oversight, just my life. 

So there's that. I'll try to post some (faceless) class reunion pics--of my outfit--in a follow-up post after the big event. Oh, and before you write me off as a superficial bish with botched up priorities, I DO have friends from high school that I want to see. I've been spreading the word to them about the reunion, but you can't blame the underdog for wanting to at least look like a top dog, who's still skinny enough to be on top...of an emergency pyramid.

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